was a project initially touted to launch in 2018 but it went on hold, that is, until now. During 2020, decided to relaunch this project on a global scale. Why? Because has the potential to be hugely beneficial within the iGaming world providing a platform where players can share their game experiences. On top of this, it enables players to offer their unbiased views about the plethora of slot games that are out there. This is innovation at its best as the site will help bring together professionals and those playing the games for fun. All this is to create a portal where both worlds collide.
During the new update, the site setup has been upgraded utilising to provide a user-friendly interface and colour scheme. Moreover, the platform will be fully adaptable to mobile devices so users can access it’s comprehensive information bank whenever and wherever they choose. With SlotsJudge’s arrival on the horizon, discover how this expansive project can help take gaming to the next level.
Innovation from
The project relaunch of SlotsJudge by Scanteam is an exciting one. The idea behind the site is an innovative one allowing not only professionals to write and create reviews on slots, but also those of you who actually play them. Players from all backgrounds are encouraged to join up and write about the slots and their experiences with them.
Better still, players will be rewarded for doing so as well as for any comments they write. The more active players on are, the more rewards and bonuses they receive – and this is all through the exciting SJ points system. The points then are exchanged for cash and other goods in the SJ shop.
The site will also remain one of the most up-to-date out there with reviews of new slots arriving instantly on the SlotsJudge platform so that you can test out the game right away for yourself. The back catalogue is also comprehensive so players can check out reviews of games gone before. Sharing opinions and comments on the latest slots is highly encouraged. In short, everyone gets to be a slots judge when using this exciting and unique platform.
Youtube channel launch
Taking an additional step into the online world, SlotsJudge is also offering a Youtube channel for players to get involved with. On this channel, players will find the SlotsJudge team of experts discussing anything and everything you can think of when it comes to the world of gambling. There will be the latest news so you never have to miss a slot release again. Plus, you will have honest reviews from some of the very best in the business.
The team will also be discussing the best casinos at that moment, helping players find the perfect place to settle down and get playing. In short, there’s a ton of things going on, and all of it is designed to bring players together in one large community. With the continuous interactivity taking place on this platform, you will also be able to suggest topics for upcoming Youtube videos, bring up some burning questions, or even request reviews for a wide variety of gaming aspects – it doesn’t just stop at slots but will cover software providers, casinos, and more.
What does SlotsJudge entail?
The team behind SlotsJudge consists of professional gamblers who have years of experience. They’re also raring to share their knowledge with the world. The site provides completely reliable information too – there’s no paying for a rating here. Instead, any ratings for games or software are created completely through the reviews, comments, and voting that you and other players provide. In this way, players access unbiased information.
As mentioned before, players will also earn points to be spent in the SJ Shop with a higher points store earning players bigger rewards. There’s a referral system too along with welcome SJ points for newcomers signing up and so much more. With the highest number of slots featured on its site, more than any other, a full social media network in place, and continuous plans to expand, SlotsJudge promises to be the first and last stop you will need when venturing into the world of slot games. This relaunch is a much-needed breath of fresh air in the iGaming world.