Recent trends have seen more and more gamers making the transition from PCs, Consoles, and Smartphones to the cloud with the promise of richer playing experience. Most games require players to download them and play them on their devices. However, when it comes to cloud gaming, the interactive game resides in data centres, allowing users to access them remotely. This eliminates the need to download games and their bulky updates. With cloud gaming, players can enjoy boosts in performances and graphics without the need to invest in expensive hardware. This means users can enjoy AAA games whenever and wherever they are. Cloud gaming allows users to stream and play games on a simple computer, while the game itself runs somewhere else on a big powerful computer.
How cloud gaming works
To be able to play or stream games in the cloud, users are required to sign up for a subscription service. Some of the popular platforms include PlayStation Now, Shadow, Vortex, Simplay, Microsoft xCloud, Nvidia GEFORCE Now, and Paperspace among others. Each of the cloud gaming services has their own subscription models, with most charging a monthly or annual subscription. To enjoy seamless gameplay, you will need to ensure a stable and reliable internet connection. With data becoming increasingly fast and the advent of 5G, cloud gaming promises to have a bright future.
Advantages of playing games on the cloud
Some of the highly-rated AAA games require expensive hardware to run. However, playing in the cloud means you do not need expensive hardware as you can stream or play content via your PC, mobile device or console as long as you have a reliable internet connection. Popular online casinos such as Leovegas are also able to rely on cloud-based infrastructure to enhance the performance and scalability of the games they offer. Playing on the cloud also means there will be no need to upgrade your system to play the latest games. Games update automatically, removing one of the biggest frustrations gamers face.
The emergence of cloud gaming also means gamers will have more game options, and developers will be forced to come up with great and richer content to attract and retain their fans. There have also been trends where big companies such as Sony and Microsoft are forming partnerships to develop new and innovative cloud gaming solutions. Cloud gaming will also see the emergence of unique and tailor-made Indie games to cater to the specific needs of gamers.
The mobile gaming market is huge, especially since it affords gamers the advantages of flexibility and accessibility. However, these games are usually a watered-down version of PC or Console games that are made available as apps. However, cloud gaming will give developers a chance to develop PC or Console level games to the ever-growing market of mobile gamers. Playing on the cloud also has the advantage of convenience. There is no longer any need to buy games physically or download them. By eliminating the need to have expensive hardware, lower-income consumers will also be able to play their favourite games.
Cloud gaming promises to revolutionize gaming. The continued rise of new gamers and advancements in cloud technology means the market is ready to embrace this concept. The concept of cloud gaming makes it a better and affordable proposition. However, one of the major challenges it faces is the limited telecommunication technology in emerging economies. This means there is limited use among a large number of gamers. Even if cloud gaming promises a richer and less expensive gaming experience, it is not entirely a replacement for consoles, as some gamers will want to have the best systems at home to play ultra-high resolution games.