Searching for something we don’t really know is a difficult task. If you want to win the jackpot on your next slot machine spin, it would help to focus on envisioning the incredible feeling that will wash over you as you reach your goal. To help you get in the right state of mind before playing your next jackpot slots game, this article will describe in detail what it feels like to hit the jackpot. Ready? Here we go!
The first feeling you can expect is somewhat of a shock. Yes, you’ve been waiting for this and imagining it, but when you finally hit the jackpot of your dreams, the surprising sensation will be the first to take over. Soon after, you’ll discover a rush of serotonin, which is also known as “the happy chemical” and transmits specific messages from one nerve cell to the next. Serotonin levels increase as we gain a clear advantage in a contest or win a great reward.
When you win the slot machine jackpot, you might also feel a bit nervous, just because a massive prize just found its way to you. When playing social casino app games that are more generous than others, you might discover that the awesome feeling of winning rewards becomes less shocking. Apps such as 88 Fortunes, for instance, surprise players with many different gifts and rewards, which not only contributes to the fun of the game, but also improves players’ mood on a frequent, regular basis.
In addition to a rush of serotonin, winning the jackpot on your favorite slot machine will boost the testosterone and dopamine levels in your brain. This is a very interesting process that was nicknamed “The Winner Effect” by both psychologists and biologists. What’s interesting about it is that is actually creates more wins later on, in and outside the casino. As we get more and more familiar with that winning sensations, out body and mind learn how to create it and we become more confident in our ability to take on any task. We learn to crave victory, expect it and achieve it. In other words, winning the jackpot will not only make you happy at that moment in time, it just might help you win the next jackpot, and that promotion at work you deserve!
Now that you know what it feels like, make your way to your next win and wait for the happy chemicals to bring your next jackpot, and the next one, and the next…