Path of Exile’s ‘Betrayal’ content expansion has launched for PC while the XBox One launch is slated for Monday, December 10th. The expansion brings a number of new features and activities for players to take part in including Raid Syndicate Safehouses, new skills, new items and much more.
- Raid Syndicate Safehouses – Pillage supplies, earn great rewards and discover the ultimate identity of the Immortal Syndicate’s mastermind
- Veiled Items – Immortal Syndicate members drop items with new Veiled Modifiers that Jun can reveal. As you unveil modifiers, you can craft these on to other items and work towards unlocking higher level versions of these properties.
- New Masters, Familiar Faces – As the Immortal Syndicate have risen to power, the old cohort of Forsaken Masters has vanished. Einhar, Alva, Niko, Zana and Jun have ascended as a new group of Masters to aid you.
- Streamlined Mastercrafting – Individual Mastercrafting options are now unlocked by completing specific content, such as Incursion rooms or Delve encounters. The entire process has been improved – from the user interface to the way you acquire new crafting options
- Unified Hideout System – Hideout, favor and decorations are now shared across all leagues. Players can load and save hideout templates and share them with other PoE players.
- New End-Game Maps – The Atlas of Worlds has expanded with four new maps – more detailed versions of fan favorites from deep in Delve’s Azurite Mine.
- New Skills and New Powerful Items – Betrayal introduces 10 new or revamped skills for three core character archetypes and 15 new unique items (many with Veiled mods), as well as 5 new Divination Cards designed by PoE community members.
For more information, please click here.