Elder Scrolls: Legends will have its Houses of Morrowind expansion released on On March 28th. The expansion will be the largest addition to the card game since last year’s Heroes of Skyrim. Players will find more than 140 new cards to collect as well as adventure through the content facing off against “otherworldly creatures and coming face-to-face with living gods” and the dragon, Dagoth Ur.
New Abilities
Master a new set of keywords – one for each House – featuring powerful new abilities that represent the attributes and traits of each House.
- RALLY | House Redoran [STR] [WIL] [END] Whenever a Rally creature attacks, it gives a random creature in your hand +1/+1.
- BETRAY | House Telvanni [INT] [AGI] [END] After you play this action, you may sacrifice a creature to play it again. Players can only perform betray once per action.
- PLOT | House Hlaalu [STR] [WIL] [AGI] Plot abilities trigger if you’ve played another card that turn. All three of Hlaalu’s attributes – Strength, Willpower, and Agility – have lots of inexpensive cards that will help your plots come to fruition.
- EXALT | Tribunal Temple [INT] [WIL] [END] Exalt offers a creature a bonus if you pay more magicka for it. Paying the exalt cost results in the creature becoming “Exalted” – an important distinction should the gods makes an appearance.
- FIVE POWER MATTERS | House Dagoth [STR] [INT] [AGI] House Dagoth doesn’t wield a traditional keyword. Instead, it seeks raw power. Dagoth cards, found in Strength, Intelligence, and Agility, reward you for having creatures with 5 or more power.
For more information, please click here.