The closed beta testing for Legends of Aria will be starting on Monday, January 29th. When the launch day arrives, the updated client will be available for download and players’ character progress will not be wiped going forward. For anyone who doesn’t yet have access, Founder’s Packs will go on sale beginning the same day.
The closed beta client brings a number of big changes to LoA:
- the Eastern Frontier has opened
- two new cities: Helm and Pyros Landing
- Contempt World Dungeon added
- the Catacombs dungeon, the game’s larges
- Karma & Conflict systems have been reworked
- the UI has been updated and retooled
- collision and movement improvements
- balance across both combat and magic have been applied
The full update notes are not yet live, but will be posted to the official site on launch day.
For more information, please click here.