Darkfall: New Dawn is now on free trial through January 24th.
Wanna check out all the changes we’ve made?
It’s time to test Darkfall: New Dawn and make your own opinion about what is new in the world of Agon!
During the free trial, there will be no limitation, no free to play restrictions, and the amount of xp gained will be increased by three.Be prepared for the release on January 26!
- Holdings will be razed down, but ownership will carry over to release.
- Clans will carry over their unspent clan meditation.
- Names and Clans will be reserved.
- Individual characters will keep up to 100k unspentmeditation points.
- Purchased crafting masteries will unlock for free once their requirement are met.
- These benefits are only available to those who have pre-ordered by the time InDev closes.
Though there are some things that will not carry over, or that will carry over in limited form, once the game officially launches on January 26th. For more information, please click here.