“The Return” is the new Horizon 2.4 content update which brings back an iconic enemy from the earliest days of Elite: Dangerous. Players will play a wealth of lore and story as commanders take the fight to the modern age against the Thargoids. In addition, players will have a chance to fight the Thargoid menace as well as work on tactics and technology better suited to taking them out.

In the in-game narrative the Thargoid story is a long one, unfolding during the events of Frontier: Elite II and Frontier: First Encounters, as well as in Elite’s extended fiction. Events in Elite Dangerous take place over fifty years since those in Frontier: First Encounters, and today the facts about the Thargoids have been swamped by stories, myths and legends. It has been unclear what is true and what is an elaborate conspiracy theory… Until now.

Commander Chronicles - Retaliation - Elite Dangerous

The Return has been introduced to PC, PlayStation 4 and XBox One. It is included for those with the Season Pass.

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