The team at The Repopulation announced today that the servers are now once again up and running for account holding Steam users and TR backers and announced plans to bring back the Early Access purchase on Steam or as a stand alone back online at the end of March 2017. The team also announced that the current state is still Early Access and ”the current server status is identical to how it was before the shut down (to) allow all players to play the game again and submit up-to-date bug reports” – additionally, the servers will be restarted every day at 4:45 EST as usual for the time being:
”Everything in-game and out of game should be exactly as you left it! The forums have also been migrated over to the new site which is currently in the process of being updated. There is information on them regarding future plans and the current state of things if you would like to get the low-down and catch up on what has been going on. Some accounts were duplicated on the old website, if you have problems logging in, please use the ticket system or e-mail us on [email protected] . We currently have a temporary ticket system during the ongoing transition.”
For more information visit the site here.