The Battleborn team has announced that a huge Winter Update is coming soon that will see significant changes. New players will find all twenty five characters unlocked after finishing the game’s prologue and unlock challenges will now grant a new skin. This will also include story mode and two brand new training modes that is first played solo but then can be played in teams of up to three. In addition, the Dojo has opened where players can practice with each hero to hone skills.
Veteran players aren’t being left out either. UI changes throughout the game have been given the once-over. Daily quests are also being added along with Command Rank and Character Rank increases and an updated in-game economy. There is also the new Draft Mode:
Draft Mode: This is one of the most exciting new additions! In Draft Mode, teams and players take turns picking and banning characters trying to find the perfect match-ups and counters for what the other team is choosing.
To make things more worthwhile, PlayStation 4 Pro support is being added.
For more information, please click here.