Word is out that there will be a special extended free play weekend for Elder Scrolls Online for players on PC/Mac or PlayStation 4. The special event opens up the full game without restrictions or purchase to anyone who downloads the game. Players can take part in Tamriel Unlimited, receive 500 Crowns to spend in the Crown Store, take advantage of special discounts on Crown Packs and all versions of the game. Players can start downloading and playing at 10:00 am Pacific / 1:00 pm Eastern on Wednesday, November 16th and can play until November 20th.
Lastly, “Free Play Weekend players will also qualify to enter the Trip of a Lifetime Giveaway, which offers the chance to win one of five incredible trips to exotic locations around the world, with full accommodations, meals, and exciting adventure excursions with expert local guides. To enter, all that’s required is to play the game and register.”
For more information, please click here.