News is out that the Early Access for Guardians of Ember will be ready to launch by the latter half of October. This is a slight delay but the team have spoken that they need a bit more time to complete several internal tasks. In addition, the IndiGoGo campaign will also continue through October 10th and if a $20,000 funding goal is met, the Iron Man feature will make it into the game. Beta candidates, those backing the IndieGoGo campaign, will have access to Guardians of Ember a few days prior to the start of Early Access.
What is Guardians of Ember’s Iron Man feature?
Some singleplayer games have the feature to play in Hardcore mode which basically means:
If you die you have to start all over again. As players we love this concept (we always like to share some war stories of our Hardcore playthroughs;)) but we don’t think that this is the right way to go in a persistent Multiplayer Game.But then we asked ourselves: How can we prove how badass we are? What is a hardcore achievement that’s worth fighting for?
With the Iron Man buff we have created a completely new challenge for every player who wants to stand out from the crowd and wants to become truly immortal: Followed by an eternal flame – visible for all other players – the Iron Man mode is the only way to achieve some of the hardest and most exclusive titles and rewards.
In another turn of events, the Taiwanese version, ‘Embergarde’, will be closing in the very near future with those players able to join the global Guardians of Ember community as well. The team reiterated the fact that Guardians of Ember will be a buy-to-play title with an in-game marketplace.
For more information, please click here.