Granado Espada will be updated on June 29th with a new patch that brings new missions, characters, the artifact collection system and a new raid monster into the game.
- New Field & Artifact – “Viron, Truman’s Secret Workshop”, established in the basement of the Viron Clock Tower.
- New Mission – Viron, Clock Tower (Basement), it is a product of ancient civilization since Stravista fabricated the history of mankind.
- Evil Machina – a new character said to be a mankind destroyer, born from technology of Truman, a doctor from Illier, along with the ancient knowledge of Stratavista.
- New Era Final Episode
- New Mission – Viron, Time Regained, a space of emptiness where everything has stopped.
- Leona Bernier – a new character which is the sole survivor of the Bernier family, the first Duke of Illier.
- Raid Monster – Axei Pharrel, because of what Leona added to Montoro’s power and knowledge, pharrel has become out of control and gone mad. Defeat this raid boss monster.
- Artifact Collection – The Duke of Rose Series, be the first to collect them as it improves elemental penetration.
For more information, please click here.