The League of Legends heads up display (HUD) is going through some more changes that are just about ready to be tested on Riot’s public beta servers. The changes are aimed at obscuring less of the visible play area, and speeding up how long it takes to gather important information.
Right now if you want to see the cooldown on spawn timers, active items cooldowns and other important information you have to look all over the screen. There’s currently no quick way to see everything you need, so hopefully these new changes will remedy that.
Scorboards will finally have drag and drop enabled, if you’re like me then this is something that has seemed missing from the HUD for years! I think lots of little changes like this help give the whole game a better quality of life.
The date for live release hasn’t been set, but I’m sure we will hear more after testing on the public beta servers.
Check out the official announcement for more details.