After just over two months in Beta testing, Jagged Alliance Online has finally reached it’s open release phase for Spanish speaking fans and Latin American players. Check out the official website, it’s free-to-play game that can be played directly on the browser through the Unity engine.

From now on the Spanish-speaking fans will be able to access and enjoy better customer service and community management fully in their language. This is really important as many problems take much longer to fix when players and staff do not speak the same language!

The Beta testing was a great opportunity to show the different PvP modes that are available: “Death Match”, “Wanted”, “Total Destruction” and “War Zones”, a competitive tournament in which player alliances face each other for the control of territories. Another benefit of having servers localised by language is that you can usually communicate much easier with other players, this makes PvP and PvE much more fun.

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