Skara is a new game that features team based hand to hand combat with an FPS style view. It’s currently in alpha testing. Skara, The Blade Remains has released it’s first alpha live action video with full graphics. We get to see two Skara races, the Durno and the Khärn, meet to do battle in the Zem Moorlands Arena. It’s and 8v8 battle which will be one of the team sizes in the free to play game. Featured are some of the unique fighting combinations you will be able to use in game.

My first thoughts when I saw Skara was that it reminds me of Chivalry: Medieval Warfare. Let’s hope they keep up the good work and we can start to see more quality team based, FPS style, hand to hand combat games.

[youtube id=”B–QZCfikQI” width=”600″ height=”350″]

Official site.