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Aeria Games have announced that they have opened beta signups for Aura Kingdom, their latest free to play MMORPG. Your adventure will be accompanied by Eidolons, these colorful summoned spirits will join players in the eagerly anticipated anime adventure.
While non-combat pets and mounts will also be available to players in Aura Kingdom, Eidolons will be essential companions and coveted prizes for avid collectors. Every Eidolon has its own set of attacks to use in battle, as well as the ability to join its master for powerful combo attacks that decimate enemies with flair. With the right items, players will also be able to level their Eidolons up for an even stronger battle partner.
Outside of combat, Eidolons remain lively companions. They retain memories of players’ past accomplishments—such as the bosses they’ve vanquished—and will frequently converse about them. Some of the more advanced and larger Eidolons can also be ridden as mounts, further adding to their utility.
Players will choose between one of four starting Eidolons when creating a character. Over the course of their adventure, they will have the opportunity to recruit a wide variety of additional Eidolons to round out their collection. More than a dozen will be present in the game at launch, with many more planned for release in subsequent content updates.
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Sign up for beta now at aurakingdom.aeriagames.com.