From now until September 25th, WebZen are running their latest event for MU Online. The Golden Colossus event started recently and you can still take part.

MU is under attack and it’s an invasion of golden monsters. Killing the gold mobs will give you random rewards, from zen, to jewels and if you are lucky – rare golden apples. The player who collects the most golden apples will win the grand prize from Sandboxr. It’s worth fighting over, you can have your own exclusive ~6” 3D printed figure, customised with your own name. Grand prize is this Golden Knight with dragon armor! Three players will split second place with runner-up prizes; 4” 3D printed figure of the MU Knight with Dragon Armor. Third place for the next 100 players will be 500 W Coins (P).

For more details go to the official site.