Based on a magical storyline set in the European Middle Ages, Cyber Monster provides a thrilling world where players grow up as they overcome difficulties on fantastical journeys. As they adventure across a romantically rendered 3D landscape, players can capture and raise their own unique army of diverse pets and mounts.
The new arcade mode lets players of the serene MMO take a break from the mount-focused adventures, and instead focus their attention on winning battles and prizes.
Alongside the solo tournaments, every weekend from 21:00 – 21:30 CST, players can band together in teams and face off against each other for the right to be crowned the strongest guild in Cyber Monster. During the registration period (10:00 – 20:30 CST on weekends), adventurers decide whether they want to join an already existing team, or create their own using the team panel.
I’m sure a lot of fans will be happy with the new competition on the horizon, guilds love nothing more than to fight each other for titles!