Legend of Edda is being re-launched soon, players can currently sign up for the closed beta that will be starting shortly but in the mean time GamesCampus have released a mini trailer showing off some of the mounts that will be available in game.
Get around the world in style with a 60% movement speed buff while mounted and with achievements to unlock you will surely start a collection of vehicles. Personally I don’t think I would enjoy much more than being carried round by an angry looking bear. Mounts all have their own animations and will be available temporarily from 7-90 days or as a permanent item.
Register for the closed beta at the bottom of their official page and watch the trailer below. Don’t be put off by the cutesy graphics as this game is very focused on the PvP side of the game and even includes realm vs realm combat to keep the competition going.
[youtube id=”oa2b5I9-K-c” width=”600″ height=”350″]