HeroDex is an upcoming trading card MMO that will be free to play, brought to us by Zero Separation. They are an independent games developer based near London, England.
New players will start with a free “Fighter” hero and starting deck. Further cards can be acquired in game or purchased from the store. A tutorial will introduce you to the game and allows the first new cards to be added to your deck.
Matches have been described as a cross between Poker and Rock-Paper-Scissors (Roshambo) with bluffing and anticipating your opponent’s next move forming a large part of the strategy. All turns are performed at the same time when each person has finished their move or the time limit is reached, this will keep a good pace even in large multiplayer games and form a large part of the strategy you must use.
You can play against human or ai opponents, upgrade, trade and customize your decks while working your way through the feats based advancement system.
No release date has been announced yet but there will be a closed beta soon, for more information check out their Alpha website here: www.herodex.net and the trailer below.
[youtube id=”FkpvHtiMHIM” width=”600″ height=”350″]