MapleStory publishers Nexon recently won a court case involving a private server to the total sum of $750,000. Nexon are actively engaging numerous MapleStory servers in lawsuits whilst reclaiming damages for their involvement. An extract of the verdict is below;

Order dated 14-NOV-2011 rendered by Roza Aronovitch, Prothonotary Matter considered without personal appearance The Court’s decision is with regard to Letter from Plaintiff dated 26-OCT-2011 Result: THIS COURT HEREBY DECLARES, AS BETWEEN THE PLAINTIFF AND THE DEFENDANT ANUJAN PANCHADCHARAM, AS FOLLOWS: 1. The plaintiff is the owner of copyright in various versions of the computer program known as the MapleStory Program, particulars of which are set forth in Schedule “A” to this Order, which are used by the plaintiff and its licensees to operate and play a massively multiplayer online role-playing game known as MapleStory (the “MapleStory Game”). 2. The defendant Anujan Panchadcharam unlawfully infringed the plaintiff’s copyright in the MapleStory Program by reproducing and distributing, and authorizing other persons to reproduce and distribute, all or substantial portions of the MapleStory Program (including modified versions of the MapleStory Program) in connection with the operation of unauthorized versions of the MapleStory Game. THIS COURT ORDERS that: 3. The defendant Anujan Panchadcharam be and is hereby permanently restrained and enjoined from directly or indirectly, by himself or his servants, agents or otherwise, copying, producing, reproducing, distributing, publishing or using all or any part of: (a) any version of the MapleStory Program; or (b) any work that is based upon or derived from any version of the MapleStory Program or which otherwise infringes the plaintiff’s copyright in any version of the MapleStory Program; or authorizing any other person to do any of the foregoing. 4. The defendant Anujan Panchadcharam be and is hereby permanently restrained and enjoined from directly or indirectly, by himself or his servants, agents or otherwise, infringing the plaintiff’s copyright in any works or other subject matter in which the plaintiff now, or in the future, may own copyright or may have an interest in copyright by license or otherwise. 5. The defendant Anujan Panchadcharam be and is hereby permanently restrained and enjoined from owning, operating or playing an unauthorized version of the MapleStory Game, or assisting any other person to own or operate or play an unauthorized version of the MapleStory Game. 6. The defendant Anujan Panchadcharam shall forthwith permanently delete and destroy, under oath, all copies of the MapleStory Program in his possession, custody, or control and all other materials in his possession, custody, or control that otherwise offends the foregoing injunctions or could be used to breach the foregoing injunctions. 7. The defendant Anujan Panchadcharam shall pay to the plaintiff damages in the amount of $750,000. 8. The defendant Anujan Panchadcharam shall pay to the plaintiff the costs of this action. 9. Nothing in this Order or done pursuant to this Order shall have any effect on the claims by the plaintiff against the other defendants in this action. SCHEDULE “A” to the Court’s Order dated November 14, 2011 in Court File T-19-10 MapleStory Program (North America versions)…Hereby Attached. Filed on 14-NOV-2011 certified copies sent to parties Transmittal Letters placed on file. entered in J. & O. Book, volume 1140 page(s) 452 – 458 Interlocutory Decision.

To view the court documents visit here or to visit the forum discussion thread click here.


MapleStory developer Sparks recently had this to say on the case on the forum.

*Sigh.. I tried not to get involved in this conversation, but some people’s logic just astounds me. I’m not going to into it, but let’s put it this way.

1. Nexon didn’t “win” in court. Or for that matter Anujan’s case didn’t go to court period. Trust me I know. After all I was the primary defendant in this whole case you’ve got up here. He was simply listed in it.
2. Nexon offered Anujan a settlement and he took it. (I know this for a fact)
3. If he settled for $750,000 Then he must’ve made some serious money off MapleTales and other MapleStory related side-projects.
4. He shouldn’t have taken the settlement, if he went to court he could have got a LOT less of a penalty. (assuming they won)

They offered me a settlement back in February of 2010 (mind you my case was listed in January of 09′ so it’s still on-going). I didn’t take it, because I strongly believe I’m in the write and this whole community is. I’m representing myself in this case, no lawyer on my end.

Some of you have stated that all of the private servers put together have not made over $1,000,000 … This I beg to differ, I know for a fact that it must’ve been close-to, if not over $1,000,000 in total. Hence why he settled for $750,000. In case no one has yet realized, once Nexon get’s a hold of someone they WILL try to pin other issues on this community to that specific person.

IE. Look at my case for example, they tried to claim I cracked and distributed the localhosts of their client, I alone created the OdinMS source, I this I that, bullshit non-the less. Anujan just fucked up.

and finally 4th.

My official Trial / Court Date is set in stone now. April 1st / 2012 in Vancouver, BC (I’m in Toronto so I’m flying out, yay! :D)

PS. You people shouldn’t be so naive and believe that offshore hosting will keep you safe. If you reside in a country with copyright laws. No amount of “step-washing”, so to speak, will keep you safe. Don’t be talking out of your asses saying offshore hosting is safe, anonymous domains are safe, etc. Your files might be safe but you alone aren’t. And knowing how many snitches are alone in this community. Don’t forget to say high with every post you make, might as well 🙂 You’re boned 🙂 . Thank you, that is all 😀