We at RaGEZONE are happy to announce the public launching of our RaGECRAFT (Minecraft) server. To connect you simply visit the following section or use the details below.
Getting started!
There’s a few things you should know before playing RaGECRAFT, If you are new, then make sure you at least read these few points! You can find all the rules on the Builder Application thread found on the forum. Of course if you never heard of Minecraft you can buy Minecraft at the official Minecraft website at Minecraft. Once you purchase Minecraft you can use the following guide below to play RaGECRAFT!
- Log-in to your Minecraft Client
- The first time you play the game it will download the official client
- Click Multilayer > Add server > then imput the following IP Address:
- IP Address
Code:mc.ragezone.com- On your first Log-in you will be required to apply for builder via the builder application thread located on the forum.
- After your Done Reading all the Rules Proceed to the Builder Application Forum, and Create a thread with the following information:
- Name
- Age
- Country
- IGN (In Game Name)
Now you have the last 3 steps!
- Be patient and wait for a staff member to read and respond to to your application!
- Once in-game you are able to build anywhere! Just as long as it doesnt obsctruct any other players.
- That’s about it, Enjoy your stay at RaGECRAFT!
Staff List
- Owners
- BeccaSomething
- DKDazo
- Admins
- Mentalrz
- Moderators
- Epidal/Yamachi
- JunkersUK/Junkers
General Features
- Version 1.1(Latest)
- Survival Server
- Plugins
- Bukkit
- EssentialsEx
- Log
- Iconomy
- MobBounty
- …And more More!
- Secure Bugless Server
- Clean at Most times Lagless
- We Stop Greifers Red Handed
– Note these are only General Features.
Payment Info
Donating will give you access to /item and /tp for:
- 3 GBP – 1 Weeks
- 5 GBP – 2 Weeks
- 8 GBP – 1 Months
Useful Tips
- New to Minecraft Not sure how to play Yet? Well you can find lots of useful guides at these following sites.
Useful commands
- Normal Commands
- /spawn – takes you to the spawn.
- /who – shows you who is online.
- /msg <name> – private messages other player.
- /warp – Shows you a List of Warps
- /sethome [name] – sets the position you are in as a personal home.
- /home [home name]- takes you to your set home place.
- /afk – sets your status to afk.
- /back – To use after you have died and need to go back to get items
- Economy Commands
- /money – to see your current Balance.
- /money top – to see richest users.
- /money rank – see your Current Rank
- /money payment – to pay Users
- Fun Commands
- */item <item-id> – Gives you that Item
- */tp – teleport to a specified player
** Note items with a ‘*‘ can only Be used by Donators **