Having the convenience of a mobile phone at our fingertips has allowed us to source so much more than we ever expected and this includes being able to play on our favourite games whenever and wherever we choose.

Those same data-driven techniques that game designers use to get the attention of prospective players are used to motivate participation in something that already exists like an online community or a website. This gamification of non-game experiences really does motivate actions that can add value to a business. The whole concept is that we love to play games and if that effect is amplified by gamifying high value interactions with customers, employees and even partners then sales can be driven higher, loyalty is proven to run deeper and there is a higher customer satisfaction percentage.

When you consider how well many sites have transferred over to the smaller screen it’s not so surprising that other non-gaming businesses use gamification to boost their sales. For instance, if you visit Swag Bingo  you will see how the site provides the complete package of entertainment. Not only do players enjoy their gaming action but as there is also a great chat facility then many use sites like Swag Bingo to catch up with their family and friends whilst online.

And it’s not only women who are playing the game as statistics show that increasing numbers of men are also enjoying online bingo like never before. Luckily the days are now gone where bingo was considered a game just for the females in our society. Not only are men playing the game but the age brackets have also changed, Once the game was considered to be mainly for the older generation but studies now show that the average age of people enjoying a game of bingo is between 25 to 30 years old.

When you consider how much the simple game of bingo has enjoyed a new lease of life because of being online, and how the online sites provide the complete package to their customers it again become apparent how much gamification can boost even a business that has nothing to do with gaming.

Gamification in other industries besides the gaming industry encourages users to provide fast feedback by text or notifications, and Kudos will be given when someone reaches a goal and of course the next goal will be encouraged.

Other gamification mechanics will include transparency so everyone will know exactly where they stand, evidence of accomplishments matter, and so does levelling up giving status within any community.  People like to know how they are doing compared to others and they also like to collaborate with others to accomplish any particular goal.

Being part of a community really does boost any meaning given to any badge or goal and that sharing of achievements creates and energy within the community as people learn from others how to get the best out of themselves, and ultimately getting the best out of themselves means that the business they work for will also reap the benefits.